At a young age, Mama instilled in us the importance of family. After all these years, we still love being together.
My sister and I were never super close growing up. It wasn’t until I moved to LA almost 15 years ago that we bonded. I feel very close to her; I can be myself, no matter what, and I can tell her anything. It’s a gift. She’s an amazing sister, friend, daughter, and mother. I love her greatly.
The piece here is titled “Snow.” It’s inspired by my sister’s love for this Disney character. Growing up we called her Blanca Nieves- Snow White. According to Wikipedia, the tale originates in Germany and the best-known version is by the Brothers Grimm in 1812.
In ‘The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire,’ Deepak Chopra writes, “…Live a life more wondrous than any dream.” These words have left me thinking. What do I dream about? Though I dream every night, what dreams do I have for myself during the day? If my life were a fairy tale what sort of character would I be? What sort of life would I want? As of right now, it all feels blurry and vague. I need to figure this out.
If you’re life were a fairy tale come true, is happiness now?
All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. – Walt Disney
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