I’m also just getting back from my morning walk. While out and about, I picked up this weeks LA Weekly and to my surprise I found an article about local LA multimedia artist Aaron Axelrod. And though I wasn’t familiar with his work, the article intrigued me. I came home and immediately logged onto Axelrod’s website. His “Freedom From The Press” pastel drawings are amazing! I loved that as a young kid, his parents supported his creativity. How special is that.
I also learned of something new, a psychedelic brew called Ayahuasca, which he experimented with. Axel says, “That opened my mind to everything. It kind of took away my ego.” And taught him that life is all about new experiences and being happy. I now want to try it myself. Umm, where can I find some?
Many years ago, my brother once asked me about what I felt about having experimented with drugs. I told him that I thought it killed some brain cells and kept me from overanalyzing everything. The piece here is a portrait of my brother; it’s titled ‘Johnny.’
Picasso once said, “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” This quote started off the article about Axelrod; it’s what got me reading. Personally, I’ve always felt like an artist. Thankfully, I have kept it up the older I grow. And the older I grow, the more childlike I see we remain.
May you find the artist in yourself; may you grow up to be whom you imagine. May you imagine everything possible.
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