Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Collection of Lucy's

A Collection Of Lucy’s

I have compiled a collection of my ‘little girls’ featuring Lucille Ball. Below are some of my previous pieces that I didn’t get to post last year. There are 3 other pieces that I posted in March of 2009. Above are 4 of my latest pieces that I just finished last week.

1) Lucy’s Drunken Ball- Even though this episode seems to be everyone’s favorite, I love it because of how she nailed the drunkenness and how she quivers with distaste of the drink; her face is forever memorable. “It’s hot in here.”
2) Lucy’s Hot Pink Ball- Again her movement and facial gestures are hilarious in this episode as she tries to do ballet.
3) Lucy’s Lemon Lime Ball- This episode is not my favorite, but this moment of her doing Carmen Miranda happens to be the funniest of moments for myself. It’s genius!!!!
4) Lucy’s Fritzy Orange Ball- I admire her for being able to make fun of herself and her fearlessness to not always look so pretty.

There are many more Lucy’s to come; she is a true inspiration not only in my creative process, but also in my everyday life. Thank you for the laughter.

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